‘Future budgets to focus on manufacturing’

President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday said the 2014/2015 budgets would focus on encouraging the manufacturing sector, to ensure growth in the country.

He spoke in Abuja when he inaugurated the 18-member pioneer board of the National Competitiveness Council of Nigeria, chaired by the Minister of Trade and Investment, Mr. Olusegun Aganga and aimed at increasing productivity, sales for local businesses, expansion and creation of more markets for the products.

The President noted that Nigeria would not get out of its current poor economic position, unless the private sector, especially the manufacturing sector, was encouraged to grow first.

He said when the manufacturing sector is growing, more jobs would be created.

He said: “You have been selected to serve on this board on account of your integrity, patriotism and sense of duty. Government expects that you will use your experience and skill to add value to the work the Nigerian National Competitiveness Council is called upon to perform in our ongoing efforts to reform our investment climate.

“As you are aware, the objective of the Nigerian National Competitiveness Council is to enhance the country’s competitiveness by proposing policy recommendations that will create an economy that attracts domestic and foreign investments without focusing on, or benefiting any interest group or sector.”

The policies, President Jonathan said, would be developed based on quantitative, evidence-based analysis and would align with the broader long-term Transformation Agenda of the current administration.

Said he: “For Nigeria to have its share of the global wealth, we must ensure that we improve our business environment and enhance the competitiveness of firms operating in our country. It is only then that these firms will expand their operations and create more jobs and wealth for Nigerians and Nigeria.

“It is only when we have a competitive business environment that we will attract foreign direct investment and make our country the world’s investment destination. Your board owes this nation a duty to execute its task transparently and diligently. I am confident that you will not let our nation down.”

The President said members of the council were selected to serve on the board based on their integrity, patriotism and sense of duty.

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