New states: Between reality and fantasy

The popular belief that many states are not viable notwithstanding, Nigerians have continued to agitate for the creation of more states. In this report, AUGUSTINE AVWODE, LEKE SALAWUDEEN and MUSA ODOSHIMOKHE examine the agitations in the light of the on-going constitution amendment.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride, goes the old saying. But this, unfortunately, is not the case. Many Nigerians want their villages and family units to be upgraded to the status of a state by the National Assembly. For them, this is the solution to real or perceived marginalisation by the majority ethnic groups, across the existing 36 states.

This explains why the agitation for state creation ranks highest among the subjects before the National Assembly as the second leg of the review of the 1999 Constitution kicks off. Curiously, among the most homogeneous ethnic groups, represented by the three major ethnic groups of Yoruba in the Southwest, the Hausa/Fulani in the North and the Igbo in the Southeast, the agitation for new states is not in short supply.

However, all that agitation now face a bleak prospect and could come to naught. The National Assembly has suddenly developed cold feet, or so it seems. The report by the House of Representatives ad-hoc Committee on the review of the 1999 Constitution gave little or no hope to the agitators of. Presenting the report, the Chairman of the Committee and Deputy Speaker of the House, Hon. Emeka Ihedioha, said: “The Committee received requests for creation of states running into more than thirty-five (35) states. None of the requests submitted to the Committee complied with the procedures for the creation of states outlined in Section 8 of the Constitution.

“Accordingly, the Committee was unable to treat any of these requests. The Committee, however, recognises that the existing provision in the Constitution for the creation of new states is unclear and cumbersome. Accordingly, the Committee has clarified the process to make it more coherent.”

Also, the Deputy Senate President and Chairman, Senate Committee on the Review of the 1999 Constitution, Senator Ike Ekwere-madu, declared that, while the Senate was not opposed to state creation, the sponsors or agitators for the new states must follow all the procedures laid down by the constitution.

“We support creation of states, but you have to follow the procedure laid down by the constitution, which most people are trying to avoid.

Analysts are of the view that the proliferation of states stemmed from the fear of the minorities and the feelings of marginalisation and domination. Besides, the agitators for new states say it would quicken the pace of development and bring governance closer to the people.

Scramble for state

The National Assembly received many requests for the creation of new states. A breakdown of the figure shows that the Southsouth Zone topped the list with 16 demands, followed by the Southwest 15, Northcentral 13, Southeast 9, Northwest 6 and Northeast 3.

Constitutional requirement

However, none of those requests complied with the entire provision of Section 8(1), which states that: “A request, supported by, at least, two-thirds majority of members (representing the areas demanding the creation of the new state in each of the following namely: The Senate and the House of Representatives, the Houses of Assembly in respect of the area and the Local Government Councils in respect of the area, is received by the National Assembly.

“A proposal for the creation of the state, approved in a referendum by at least two-thirds majority of the people of the area from where the demand for the creation of the state originated. The result of the referendum is then approved by a simple majority of all the states of the Federation supported by a simple majority of members of the Houses of Assembly and the proposal is approved by two-thirds majority of members of each House of the National Assembly”.

The Senate Committee on

Constitution Review stated in its

report that the signatories to the requests listed above are not currently serving as members of the Senate, House of Representatives, State Houses of Assembly or Local Government Councils as required by Section 8(1) (a) of the Constitution and in some cases, the memoranda was received long after the official close of submission. As such, if the signatures of those that are no longer serving at the various legislative levels are removed, the signatures of serving members will not satisfy the provisions of Section 8 (a) (1) (i-iii).

The Committee reports that: “In all, none of the request for state creation at the close of receipt of memoranda satisfied the requirement of Section 8 (1) (a) (i-iii) to justify a recommen-dation for the next step in Section 8 (1) (b) namely: directing Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to conduct a referendum.

However, the committee stated that the demand for the following states partly met the requirements of Section 8 (1) (a) (i-iii). They are Aba, Adada, Ado, Apa, Bori, Edu, Ghari, Gurara, Hadejia, Ijebu, Katagum, Minji-Se , New Delta, Oduduwa, Oluwa, Savannah and Sombreiro.

It therefore, recommended that, provided the House of Representatives received same requests, the Clerk of the National Assembly should be directed to forward any memoranda that complied with Section 8(1) (a) (i-iii) to INEC to conduct a referendum, which itself, is still half of the journey towards state creation. This can be done at any time, whether or not there is a Constitution amendment exercise going on or not.

How viable are states?

Though the agitation for states

creation has dominated public

space for quite sometimes, but whether these requests have met the genuine aspiration for the creation of states is another puzzle.

State creation began in 1967 from the four regions; the Northern, Midwest, Eastern and Western regions. The number has since risen to 36 states including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja. With the numerous requests before the National Assembly, although most of them have been adjudged not to have met the constitutional requirement, the number will one day increase.

It is, however, obvious that some of the states currently in existence have not lived up to expectations when considered from the point of view of their economic viability. Apart from fulfilling political exigencies, states are entities through which the society launders their economic desires.

Some of the reasons, which underscore the genuine call for states creation, have been compromised for pecuniary reasons. For instance, there is this paradigm that the more states created, the more the people benefit from the Federation Account. That, in the long run, has led to the emergence of glorified local governments masquerading as states in the federation.

Some have even agitated for states by splitting ethnic groups, which originally belong to one bloc into smaller units for the purpose of getting more funds for their catchment areas. There is the belief that, one of the surest ways to improve ethnic group’s share of the national cake is to split the group into a number of units.

According to statistics, only 60 per cent of the states are viable. Some of them have not explored the opportunities within them, always, depending on the national allocation to run their domestic affairs.

During the review of the ongoing constitution amendment during its session, Senate President, David Mark said of all the requests put forward for states creation, there has barely been any of them that met the criteria for state creation.

He had earlier said for the purpose of fairness and diffusing marginali-zation, more states would have to emerge. Mark stressed: “I strongly believe that we need to create more states for the yearning of the people. We need to make the minority have a sense of belonging which will promote a healthy competition among the federating states, as well guarantee peace and security in the land.”

Having noted the shortcomings in states creation in the country, it has been postulated that, for purpose of development, any state created without first identifying with how to sustain itself should not be taken seriously.

For the purpose of the country’s wellbeing, it is not the number of states created that matters but how the states have been able add value to the overall development of the country.

It was noted that the states must be

encouraged to harness the natural

resources to save the country from future calamity because of its over dependence on oil. Many people think that this can only be possible when agriculture and mineral resources in the states are exploited maximally.

Analysts believe that one of the ways of discouraging the dependence on statutory allocation is to fully practice genuine federalism where states that have resources would be able take control of the resources within their domains.

Lagos lawyer and human rights activist Festus Keyamo said state creation is desirable in some cases, but should be ruled out in certain areas. Keyamo noted that most of the states are not viable, but we should not shut our eyes against new ones, particularly, where they are desirable.

“New states are desirable in some cases. The fact that most of the states are not viable could make one to suggest that no new state should be created. But there are certain ones that are desirable. It should not be a blanket situation.

“A situation whereby a state is sustained by the federal allocation is not encouraging. Such a state can’t develop. It can’t meet the yearnings and aspirations of the people. To merge the unviable states will lead to political confusion. “Once they have been created, there is nothing we can do other than to challenge the governors of such state to shore up their internally generated revenue. If it is necessary to create new states, viability should be given priority, so that the new state would not become a liability.”

State creation under civilian regime

The process of creating new states is fairly easier and straight forward under military regime than civilian administrations. The reason is simple. Military regimes thrive on decrees, which enjoy a central command structure. But in the case of civilian administrations, the process stipulates and encourages consensus building. But beyond that is the maze of political intrigues involving both personal and economic interests of the elites. In a country where ethnicity runs deeper than the sea, whatever will not serve the interest of one particular region will not be allowed to see the light of day.

At independence in 1960, Nigeria had three regions. They were the North, East and Western regions. Today, there are 36 states in the country. In the last 52 years, however, state creation has taken place six times. While five were by military fiat through decrees, only one has been through democratic process in August 1963 when the Mid-West Region was created. They are: three regions as at October 1960; Mid-West region of August 1963; the 12 states by Genearl Yakubu Gowon’s regime in 1967; then 19 states by General Murtala Muhammed’s regime in 1976; the 1987 state creation exercise by the General Ibrahim Babangida regime , which brought the total number of states to 21; a second state creation by General Babangida in 1991, thus bringing the total number of states to 30 and the last exercise by the late Gen. Sani Abacha regime of 1996 which brought the total tally to 36.

While state creation under the military is a process driven almost solely by the ‘thinking and conviction’ of the military high command, under civilian administrations, it is a joint effort by the people who want to have the state, the National Assembly and the entire country. It is a process that is so cumbersome that it is even being doubted if any state would be created going by the provisions of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic in Section 8 (1).

An interpretation of the provisions, even in the most simple way, shows that it is not an entirely a National Assembly affair, but a process that should, in fact, originate and be driven by the people, local government councils, members of the state Assemblies, and members of the National Assembly, from the areas seeking to be created into new states.

The Chairman of the Senate Committee on Review of the 1999 Constitution, Senator Ike Ekweremadu said: “Our role at the National Assembly is to provide leadership, moderate the process, and ensure compliance with legislative due process. For instance, the onus lies on the areas seeking new states, not the National Assembly, to generate the requests and reach out to other parts of Nigeria to see reason with them and support their aspirations.

“Thus, a people seeking an additional state to be carved out from the present Ondo State, should also bear in mind that such requests must receive the blessing of Sokoto State and Abia State, among others, to scale through.

“A referendum is also required with the involvement of the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC. But, whereas the processes are obviously cumber-some, it is certainly not an impossible task. All that is needed is political maturity, consensus building, patriotism, enlighten-ment, and a sense of justice.”

The general thinking is that only military governments can create states because since independence, only one civilian government has created a state in the country. And even then, it was difficult and almost did not see the light of day.

Already, the House of Represent-atives ad-hoc Committee on Constitution Review, in its report on the exercise, has disclosed that in spite various clamours for new states, the requests could not be met on the grounds that none of the applications complied with requirements for state creation. By contrast, the military under General Ibrahim Babangida, by fiat, created Yobe, Taraba, Osun, Kogi, Kebbi, Enugu, Edo, Delta, Anambra, Adamawa and Abia during his almost eight year –regime.

Analysts have said that the framers of the constitution must have deliberately made the process cumbersome to forestall the balkanisation of the country. Besides, it is held that even the state that are in existence today are ravaged by poverty. Thus creating new states makes little or no sense at all.

The Midwest example

The Midwest Region was the

first state to be created in Nigeria

after independence in 1960. It remains the only Nigerian state to be created by constitutional means, and not by a military fiat, till date. Its creation facilitated a stronger voice for the articulation of minority rights in the Nigerian politics. However, it was a development that tasked the enduring spirit of those behind it and brought to the fore, the intrigues that are often associated with state creation.

Before August 9, 1963, when the country had three constituent parts, the three dominant ethnic groups, Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo political elites controlled powers in the North, West, and Eastern regions respectively. While none of them wanted a separate state created in their region, they supported the agitation for the creation of state in any other region which they considered as the opposition-led region. It was against this background that the battle for the creation of the Midwest Region was fought and won.

Today, the demand for states in the Southeast geo-political zone may not enjoy the support of the House of Assembly in the North because of the possibility of ‘balancing’ the equation that has always been tilted in favour of the North. The state Assemblies in the Southeast will not vote for any more state in the North as it will widen the ‘gap’ in the number of states between the old Northern Region and the Southern Region of Lord Fredrick Lugard.

Former Minister of Petroleum Professor Tam David-West expressed doubt about the ability of the National Assembly to create new states. He argued that the provisions are too stringent.

“The process is cumbersome. All what the National Assembly is doing is a waste of time. The lawmakers, who are supposed to be guided by the constitution, should know that no new state can emerge under these provisions.

“The National Assembly received 60 requests. If all those requests are granted, we will be having about 100 states in Nigeria. What those in power ought to do is to ask why are the people demanding the state and address such issues, not to promise them what you know is impossible. United States, as big as it is, has 51 states and it has not created any new state in the last 100 years”, he said.

Proposed states Promoters Areas

Ahoada Movement for the Creation of Ahoada State Rivers State
Toru-Ebe Toru-Ebe State Creation movement Delta, Edo & Ondo states
Ogoja Movement for the Creation of Ogoja State Cross River State
Urhobo Urhobo Progressive Union (UPU) Delta State
Minji-Se Minji-Se State Creation movement Rivers State
Confluence Movement for the Creation of
Confluence State Kogi, Edo & Nassarawa
Ado Movement for the Creation of Ado State Delta State
Bori Rivers state Southeast Senatorial District Rivers State
Anioma Anioma State Creation Movement Delta State
Oil RiversOil Rivers State Movement Akwa Ibom and Rivers states
Warri Warri-Itsekiri Model Delta states
New Delta Movement for the Creation of new
Delta State Delta State
Ethiope Ethiope State Creation movement Delta State
Sombreiro Sombreiro State Creation movement Rivers State
Coast Ijaw & Itsekiri Leaders Forum Delta State
Itai Afe Annang Akwa Ibom
Aba Aba State Creation Movement Abia State
Adada Adada State Creation Movement Enugu State
Orashi Movement for the Creation of Orashi State Imo and Anambra states
Ugwuaku Ugwuaku State Movement Imo Abia, Anambra & Enugu
Etiti Life patron of Ochogbos Enugu, Imo, Anambra & Abia
Equity Equity State Movement Abia, Anambra, Enugu, Imo & Ebonyi
Njaba Njaba State Creation Movement Imo State
Orimili Ohaneze Anambra State Committee Anambra
Anim Njaba &Orashi State Creation Movement Imo & Anambra states

Toru-Ebe Toru-Ebe State Creation Movement Delta, Edo & Ondo states
New Oyo New Oyo State Forum (NOSFOM) Oyo State
Ijesha Ijesha State Creation Movement Osun State
Remo Ijebu Remo Forum Ogun State
Oduduwa Committee on Oduduwa State Osun State
Ijebu Ijebu State Creation Movement Ogun State
Ibadan Central Council of Ibadan Indegenes Oyo State
Yewa Gunuvi National Congress &
Yewa Traditional Council Ogun State
Ose People of Ondo North Senatorial District Ondo State
Lagoon People of Epe, Eti-Osa, Ibeju
Lekki, Ikorodu, Somolu LGs Lagos State
Oluwa Movement for the Creation of Oluwa State Ondo State
Oke-Ogun Oke-Ogun Development Council Oyo State
Igbomina Movement for the Creation of Osun & Kwara
Igbomina State
Ilaje Committee on State Creation Ondo State

Apa Apa State Creation Movement Benue State
Kainji People of Borgu, Kagara &
Kontagora emirates Niger State
Edu Edu State Creation Movement Niger and Kwara states
Confluence Movement for the Creation of
Confluence State Kogi, Edo & Nassarawa states
Okura Okura State Creation Movement Kogi State
Borgu Borgu State Movement Kebbi, Kwara and Niger states
Okun Okun Development Association Ekiti, Ondo,
Kwarw & Kogi
Lowland Lowland State Movement (Tunkus) Plateau State
Gboko Gboko State Movement Benue State
Binda Binda State Movement Benue state
Kabba Kogi Youth Movement Kogi State
Katsina-Ala Katsina-Ala movement Benue and Taraba states

Katagum Katagum State Movement Bauchi state
Amana Amana State Movement Adamawa State
Savannah Savannah State Movement Borno State

Gurara Southern Kaduna Peoples Union Kaduna State
New Kaduna New Kaduna State Movement Kaduna State
Tiga Tiga State Movement Kaduna State
Ghari Ghari State Movement Kano State
Karaduwa Karaduwa State Movement Katsina State
Hadejia Hadejia State Movement Jigawa State


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