House of Reps to meet with security chiefs over terrorism

In a related development, the House of Representatives yesterday resolved to summon heads of the country’s various security agencies for briefing as part of efforts to put an end to the rising incidences of terrorism the country.

This followed the adoption of a motion moved by Hon. Patrick Ikhiariale decrying the spate of bombings in the country especially the one at the United Nations [UN] building on August 26, 2011 in Abuja,

Though no date has been set for the planned meeting with the security chiefs, it would be held behind closed doors to allow for unfettered discussion on how to come up with workable solutions that would stem the rising incidence of terrorism in the country. 

The House also resolved to lead a high powered delegation to visit the UN representatives in Nigeria, as well as condole with all the nations who lost their citizens during the explosion.

The lower chamber also challenged all relevant security agencies to put up extra measures to secure Nigeria’s various borders with a view to forestalling the influx of terrorists into the country.

While leading debate on the motion, Hon. Ikhiariale condemned ‘miscreants’ who he said “have taken position against the norm in Nigeria”.

The lawmaker decried the failure of the various security agencies to stop the spate of bombings in the country despite their claim that they had forewarning of the impending attacks.

“Bombing of the UN building has gone beyond what should be glossed over. As a House, we must condemn the actions of these terrorists. The National Assembly must come up with adequate laws that would provide necessary backing for the security agencies in the country to curtail terrorism”, he said.

He emphasized that terrorism was alien to the country, and warned that the vice was an ill wind that will bring no good to the country especially in the eyes of the international community.

The motion was unanimously adopted through voice vote.

Yesterday’s session was preceded by the observation of a one minute silence in honour of the victims of the UN building bombing in Abuja and other victims of terrorists attacks in other parts of the country.

The House also paid tribute to the former Speaker of the House of Representatives and former national Chairman of the All Nigeria Peoples Party, Chief Edwin Ume-Ezeoke; the former Vice President Augustus Aikhomu and the former Kaduna State Governor, Group Captain Usman Jibrin.

Defence minister tasks college on tackling terrorism

Defence minister, Dr. Bello Haliru Mohammed has tasked the National Defence College (NDC), to research into new and modern technological ways of dealing with and checkmating the insecurity concerns threatening the nation’s socio-economic fabric.

Speaking at the inauguration of the National Defence College ‘Course 20’ in Abuja yesterday, the minister also urged sister African countries to pay particular attention to the problems of the movement of small arms as well as undesirable elements across their borders noting that security challenges to one country is security challenge to all within the continent.

His words, “Over the past 19 years, the NDC has served as the cradle for producing not just strategic thinkers, but men and women who have left their footprints on the sands of time. With the challenges facing us in the country, there is no gainsaying that now is the time for research into ways and means of tackling these challenges using available technology and training”.

“It may also interest you to know that part of the federal government’s agenda is to transform the armed forces of Nigeria to enable them adequately face the challenges and uncertainties that characterize an ever changing global environment. This entails re-equipping the services and enhancing the welfare of officers and men”.

Acknowledging that there were problems confronting the armed forces, the minister noted that they were not insurmountable saying, “We have since grappled with some of the problems of welfare, ranging from prompt payments of troops salaries and allowances, access to medical facilities, to resettlement and regular payment of pensions and gratuities”.

“In the midst of other competing demands, the federal government is doing everything possible to address other welfare issues of the armed forces” he said adding, “There can be no quick fixes though, as policies must be defined by what government considers necessary, practicable and affordable”.

In his address, Commandant of NDC, Rear Admiral Thomas Lokosun disclosed that the college which has gained recognition for its high standards and commitment to excellence, will help participants drawn from Nigeria and abroad, make good judgments and help them navigate the evolving security environment facing their different countries.

“For you to acquire the skills, the Defence College will not treat you like banks where faculty will just make educational deposits. No, we nee problem solving education, education that empowers you to become political thinkers engaged in solving the real problems of our country and the world. In other words, we are to educate you for a lifetime of multiple careers in the security sector”, he told the participants.


Source: Vanguard

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