Anambra stampede: CAN and politics

SIR: Last week’s avoidable tragedy at the Uke Adoration ground in Anambra State, that claimed over 28 persons, once again brings to the front burner the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) ‘s frequent meddling into the country’s murky political waters, and the consequences of such action on its members in particular and the country at large.

It is not in dispute that the remote cause of this sad incidence was the visit to the venue of the weekly adoration crusade, organised by the Holy Ghost Adoration Ministry, Uke, by some politicians in the state, who reportedly turned the religious gathering to a political fan-fare of sorts seeking for the votes of the congregation towards the November 16 governorship election. Accusations have continued to fly across the different political camps in the state.

However, as the politicians continue to “dance on the graves” of these innocent victims, this piece will concern itself with the quirky directive issued, few days after the ugly incident, by the Southeast CAN urging its members to desist, henceforth, from allowing politicians to use their altars as campaign grounds.

Without sounding blasphemous, the body, as it were, was merely playing to the gallery by such directive. Truth is: CAN has derailed from its primaary objective which saddles it with the duty of promoting the spiritual growth and stability of her members. It is befuddling that the body has over the years, continued to fraternise with all manner of politically inclined persons whose main motive is to use it and her members as a ladder to their political heights. This is abundantly evident in the recent threat by some of her members to pull out from the body. The altar has been sold! It is a common sight today to see some of these politicians receiving “laying of hands” before the congregations during major elections.

Curiously too, the region’s body has also warned its members (churches) “to steer clear of partisan politics”. The practicability of this directive remains to be seen, at least not when the body’s national leadership keeps hobnobbing with the government in power.

The body at the national level most times had reduced itself to an image maker of the government in power (especially at the federal); thus the region’s move to “ban all politicians from attending our churches with their political teams for campaigns” is like crying over spilt milk.

The association must return to its spiritual duties and leave politicking to the politicians. A situation where the leaders of the body endorse (either by commission or by omission) candidates for election should be discouraged, as such action indirectly impede their members’ freedom of choice and endangers healthy competition in our body of politicking.

While Nigerians sympathise with the families and loved ones of the victims of the tragedy, the best way to immortalise them is for electoral body and the politicians to ensure that the November 16 election is free and fair. And whoever emerges the winner must deliver dividend of good governance to the living in the state.


• Barrister Okoro Gabriel,



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