Ban Ki Moon, Obama, others on Mandela’s day

Former South Africa President and anti-apartheid fighter clocks 95 today. As the world celebrate this great icon of our time, World leaders including Ban Ki Moon, Barrack Obama, Jacob Zuma and others send their messages of goodwill to mark the Mandela International Day. The Nation presents the messages below:

“Mandela gave 67 years of his life to the struggle for human rights and social justice. Today is a day for good works for people and the planet. It is meant to mobilise the human family to do more to build a peaceful, sustainable and equitable world.”- The United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon

On behalf of our family and the people of the United States, Michelle and I extend our warmest wishes and prayers to Nelson Mandela on the occasion of his 95th birthday, as well as to Graça Machel, the Mandela family, and the government and people of South Africa as they mark the fifth annual Nelson Mandela International Day.   Our family was deeply moved by our visit to Madiba’s former cell on Robben Island during our recent trip to South Africa, and we will forever draw strength and inspiration from his extraordinary example of moral courage, kindness, and humility.

On Nelson Mandela International Day, people everywhere have the opportunity to honor Madiba through individual and collective acts of service.  Through our own lives, by heeding his example, we can honor the man who showed his own people – and the world – the path to justice, equality, and freedom.  May Nelson Mandela’s life of service to others and his unwavering commitment to equality, reconciliation, and human dignity continue to be a beacon for each future generation seeking a more just and prosperous world.

Statement by President Obama and his wife, Mitchelle on Nelson Mandela International Day

“We must all be able to do something good for humanity on this day, in tribute to our former president,”- South Africa President, Jacob Zuma.

Wishes from our followers on twitter

  • Mukaddas MM ‏@mmukaddas

@TheNationNews #Mandela95 I wish he lives to see tomorrow!

  • Ahmed Ibrahim, DVM ‏@demho11

@TheNationNews I wish his family will stop fooling around because of inheritance and allow the hero to rest in the lord #Mandela95

  • Awizy O. Alades ‏@Awizy_oro

I wish he dies without life support @TheNationNews

  • baba idris ‏@babaidris090

@TheNationNews #Mandela95 I wish him long life and prosperous years ahead with sound #health!

You can also make your wish by our twitter handle @thenationnews, using the hastag #Mandela95

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