Buhari warns of looming anarchy

Former Head of State and National Leader of the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), General Muhammadu Buhari has warned of a looming anarchy in the country which is beyond the ability of the President Goodluck Jonathan led government to control.

Buhari spoke in Abuja on Saturday at the party’s National Convention to merge with other top opposition parties including the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) and the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP).

“Anarchy is knocking on the door of many sections of this country and the Federal Government has not demonstrated that it has the good sense to understand what is going on, or the competence to check it.

“The nation is hopelessly adrift. But, if we are to survive, this vicious circle of violence that has engulfed this nation must be brought to an end; and we implore the National Assembly to take the lead in this quest for peace,” Buhari noted.

He said the patience of the nation and the various communities has been severely tried and stretched to its limits and urged well meaning Nigerians to explore every opportunity to save the country.

Buhari emphasised that the only way to stabilize the country is for opposition parties to merge and oust the ruling PDP noting that all the parties joining to form All Progressives Congress (APC) are coming in as equals.

The opposition parties, he said have resolved that henceforth all votes must be counted.

“This is a historic moment when several different political parties have resolved to come together to change Nigeria for the better and stop the mindless drift that has been going on for the last fourteen years. We must understand and accept that we are here gathered to make history or forever stand accused and condemned by it.

“The government has failed in almost everything. It has proved unable to secure the nation’s internal environment: there is widespread and rising poverty and unemployment across the length and breadth of the country. There is spiraling lawlessness all over the country. There is a complete and total decline in the quality of social services and an irremediable dilapidation in the nation’s socio-economic infrastructure across board,” Buhari said.



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