CBN reassures on financial inclusion strategy

…Number of ‘unbanked’ adult population to drop by 20%

The Central Bank of Nigeria said it intends to reduce the country’s unbanked population by 20 per cent before year 2020.

The plan is part of the apex bank financial inclusion strategy aimed at ensuring greater participation in the nation’s financial sector.

The percentage figure of Nigeria’s unbanked population currently stands at 46.3 per cent.

The Director, Banking and Payments System Department, CBN, Mr. Dipo Fatokun, stated this on Saturday, while presenting a paper titled: “Mobile Money in Nigeria: Prospects, Opportunities and Challenges,” at the Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria, Ikeja District, meeting.

He said CBN will work to ensure success of the strategy.

According to him, a survey carried out in 2008 by an international agency, Enhancing Financial Innovation and Access (EFInA), on access to financial services in the Nigeria revealed that banking penetration was relatively low with only 21 per cent of adult population in the country having access to banking services, while 74 per cent had never been banked.

The remaining five percent, previously banked, in other words, had left the banking system, Fatokun added.

Reasons adduced for lack of bank accounts by many are- proximity to financial service outlets, product complexity and cost of service.

He said, “The concerns for financial inclusion are valid as no nation can progress and develop if majority of its population is under banked or has no access to financial services.

‘A good example is Kenya where it has been proved that a half percentage increase in their national Gross Domestic Product growth is attributable to mobile money transactions.

“Indian policy makers too, have embraced the importance of mobile money as the best solution for financial inclusion and economic growth.

“A study on the impact of financial access on poverty in the country carried by Economists, Robin Burgess and Rohini Pande estimated that one per cent increase in the number of rural locations banked; par capital reduced rural poverty by 0.42 per cent and increased economic productivity by 0.34 per cent.

“With the above scenario in mind, and to promote financial inclusion, the CBN identified mobile telephony as one of the veritable channels through which the unbanked can be provided easy access to financial services at affordable cost.

“The need to create an enabling environment for all participants saw the development of the Mobile Payments Regulatory Framework in 2009, to guide the industry players

The overriding vision was to achieve a system that is nationally utilized and internationally recognized – a Nigerian system of mobile payments.”



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