FME, monitor Unity Schools

The Federal Ministry of Education (FME), Abuja, owner of the 104 Federal Government Colleges, aka unity schools, needs to correct some anomalies in the running of the institutions.

As the proprietor of the colleges on behalf of the Federal Government, it should be concerned about how they are managed and the unwholesome practices in the colleges.

Of a necessity, the government needs to do more about funding. I attended a PTA meeting in one of the colleges, where the principal complained that there was insufficient fund to feed the boarding pupils because the government does not send money on time, and when it does, it comes “anyhow” to use her words. She appealed to parents to supplement with foodstuff. From then, parents started paying N1,000 to supplement feeding. I do not know whether the pupils now feed better. Before, I learnt that they got only one piece of yam to eat with stew when the meal was served on Sunday morning.

Parents who wards attend these colleges, are carrying more burden than they should. While it is okay that they support the schools, it is should be something they do voluntarily to add value to the colleges, not because they are forced to intervene because things are going bad. Nowadays, they have no choice but to intervene or watch their wards learn in over-crowded classrooms, treat STIs as a result of bad toilets, get ill from drinking bad water, or sleep on the floor because there are no beds. Parents now build hostels, pay teachers, provide water, school buses, and supplement feeding budgets.

Many Parents/Teachers Associations (PTA) of the colleges have had to employ teachers because the ministry failed to replace teachers redeployed to other schools. On the average, the unity schools have more pupils compared to other public and private secondary schools. Some colleges have more than 2,000 pupils, taught in as many as 10 arms per class. As a result, they need more teachers. But, when the FME decides to reshuffle the teachers, the colleges lose more than they gain. The numbers posted out are less than those sent in. To help their wards, the PTAs have to employ teachers in subjects that are lacking. Their salaries are funded by levies paid by the pupils each term – and are far poorer compared to what the full-time teachers employed by the ministry earn. Some PTAs employ as many as 30 teachers, which is quite high. Some of these teachers earn as little as N20,000. We can guess how motivated they would be about their jobs.

It is true that the fees charged by the school for tuition and boarding is very low, however, what parents now contend with is that they are paying as higher as, and in some cases, higher than charges in private schools without the commensurate facilities. When coming in as fresh intakes, the pupils pay for so many things including tuition, boarding, uniforms, books, bunk beds, desk and chairs, lockers and other sundry items. While fees for subsequent sessions are not as high, the PTA levies they pay remain relatively high, especially as the association almost always have projects to implement. New pupils are made to buy bunk beds despite the fact that a set graduates every year and they do not carry the bunks and lockers they used away from the school. Does the school really purchase bunks for all new intakes every session?

I also do not understand why pupils are made to provide items like hoes, cutlasses, plates, cutlery, brooms, disinfectant, and toilet cleaners every session. Unlike before when items such as plates, hoes, cutlasses and brooms were the personal properties of the pupils that bought them, now, they are made to submit it to a pool every session. If 2,000 pupils are asked to provide cutlasses and hoes every year, I think a school will not have space to keep all the cutlasses and hoes. There are insinuations that these items are resold to the pupils at the beginning of every session as the schools make arrangement for traders to sell the items to the pupils just outside its gates.

These are just some of the practices the FME could investigate as it increases the running cost of the schools and provides them with quality infrastructure and teachers.

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