Lagos ACN lauds Fayemi’s victory at re-trial tribunal, berates Oni

LAGOS State chapter of the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) has congratulated Ekiti State Governor Kayode Fayemi on his recent victory at the re-trial tribunal set up to review the case that brought him to power in October 2010.

The party berated Mr. Segun Oni, the deposed governor of Ekiti State, for the alleged attempt to drag the judiciary into the mud with his “ill-advised move to muddle the judiciary to satisfy the greed that led him to steal the mandate of Fayemi in the first instance”.

In a statement signed by the Lagos State Publicity Secretary of ACN, Joe Igbokwe, the party saluted “the courage demonstrated by the review panel by its refusal to resurrect a settled and thoroughly exhausted case just because Oni felt he would not have been divested of the stolen mandate he was wielding illegally in the first instance. We feel that time has come to punish perpetrators of electoral fraud with stiff sanctions and jail terms because of the far-reaching negative implications of such acts”.

“We are surprised that Oni’s infantile wishes were given such attention when it has no place whatsoever in the country’s electoral laws. We are surprised that someone who should be in jail for such abuse of the country’s electoral system is being allowed to take chances with the country’s law to the extent that he is embarking on a mission to ridicule and bastardise the judiciary”.

The statement further reads: “We are still baffled that our system has not seen the need to prosecute those that organise, supervise and commit election treason, employ same to corner mandates belonging to other people. We are surprised that even when such treasonable acts have been found out and legally proven, as is the case of Oni, these people are allowed to go scot-free to, not only continue infesting the entire space with their negative values but also try to ridicule the judiciary, as in the way Oni did.

“We are surprised that our legal and electoral systems make provisions for such debasing actions as seeking to turn the nation’s judiciary to a comic show where cases are reversed at will without convincing and compelling reasons”.


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