Lekoil to acquire 6.5% interest in Aje field

Lekoil 113, a subsidiary of Lekoil Nigeria Limited, an indigenous independent exploration and production company has agreed to acquire a 6.502 per cent participating interest in Oil Mining Lease (OML) 113 from Pan Petroleum Aje Limited, a subsidiary of Panoro Energy ASA.

The asset lies within the Benin Basin, about 24 km from the coast of Nigeria, close to the route of the West Africa Gas Pipeline and 64 km from Lagos. The licence covers an area of 960 km2 with water depths ranging from 100 to 1,500 metres. It is primarily a gas and gas condensate discovery, but also contains a thin oil reserves. The 6.502 per cent interest is being considered for US$30 million.

A statement from Lekoil stated that OML113 is located offshore Nigeria in the Benin Embayment along the West African Transform Margin adjacent to Oil Prospecting Lease (OPL) 310, in which Mayfair Assets and Trusts Limited, a subsidiary of Lekoil Nigeria, has an ultimate 30 per cent economic interest.

The OML113 licence area contains the Aje oil and gas field, for which AGR TRACS International Limited in its recently updated Competent Persons Report (CPR), estimated Contingent Resources of 198.7 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe) or proven reserves.

When the deal is finally sealed, Lekoil’s share of the 198.7 mmboe according to a statement, will be approximately 25.3 mmboe. About 50 per cent of the reserves in the Aje field are liquid hydrocarbons, comprising gas, gas liquids and condensate as well as a significant oil in one of the reservoirs.

On 17 June 2013, Lekoil 113 entered into a binding conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) with PPAL, Pan-Petroleum Nigeria Holding and Pan-Petroleum (Holding) Cyprus Limited to acquire a 6.502 per cent participating interest in OML113 representing cost bearing participation and revenue participation that range from 16.255 per cent to 12.1913 per cent.for activities in the Aje Field depending on the extent of cost recovery.

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