‘Nigeria a source for kids, women subjected to forced labour’

The United States Department of State last night released the 2013 Trafficking in Persons Report. It shows that the country still has a lot to do to free its 21st century slaves from the grip of their captors, writes OLUKOREDE YISHAU

It was no good news. Last night, a knock came for the country again for its inability to rein in its ubiquitous human traffickers. The 2013 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report shows that more needs to be done to tame the 21st century slave merchants, whose operations see them functioning in remote and global spaces. The report done by the State Department identifies the country as a source, transit, and destination country for women and children subjected to forced labour and sex trafficking. It said trafficked Nigerians are recruited largely from the rural areas, adding the urban areas contribute a small fraction.

It says women and girls are trafficked for domestic servitude and sex trafficking, and boys for forced labour in street vending, domestic service, mining, stone quarrying, agriculture and begging.

It said: “Nigerian women and children are taken from Nigeria to other West and Central African countries, as well as to South Africa, where they are exploited for the same purposes. Children from West African countries – primarily Benin, Ghana, and Togo – are forced to work in Nigeria, and many are subjected to hazardous labour in Nigeria’s granite mines. Nigerian women and girls – primarily from Benin City in Edo State – are subjected to forced prostitution in Italy, while Nigerian women and girls from other states are subjected to forced prostitution in Spain, Scotland, the Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Ireland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Greece, and Russia. Nigerian women and children are also recruited and transported to destinations in North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia, where they are held captive in the sex trade or in forced labor. Nigerian women are trafficked to Malaysia, where they are forced into prostitution and to work as drug mules for their traffickers. Nigerian traffickers rely on threats of voodoo curses to control Nigerian victims and force them into situations of prostitution or labor. Nigerian gangs traffic large numbers of Nigerian women into forced prostitution in the Czech Republic and Italy, and the European Police Organisation (EUROPOL) has identified Nigerian organised crime related to trafficking in persons as one of the largest law enforcement challenges to European governments.”

It indicted the government for not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking, even though it said “significant efforts” were being made to do so.

It said: “During the reporting period, the government demonstrated a modest increase in anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts through the conviction of 25 traffickers and the provision of specialised anti-trafficking training to officials by various government ministries and agencies. The National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons and Other Related Matters (NAPTIP) received a slight increase in funding in 2012.”

It said the government was yet to pass the legislation that would restrict the ability of judges to offer fines in lieu of prison term during sentencing of offenders, adding that the Police continued to experience difficulty identifying victims. The Ministry of Labour, the report said, did not make efforts to address labour trafficking.

The report observed that “the Government of Nigeria demonstrated modest progress in its anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts during the year. The 2003 Trafficking in Persons Law Enforcement and Administration Act, amended in 2005 to increase the penalties for trafficking offenders, prohibits all forms of human trafficking. The law prescribes penalties of five years’ imprisonment or a fine not to exceed the equivalent of approximately $645 or both for labor trafficking offenses; these are sufficiently stringent, but the law allows convicted offenders to pay a fine in lieu of prison time for labor trafficking or attempted trafficking offenses, resulting in penalties not proportionate to the crimes committed. The law prescribes penalties of 10 to 15 years’ imprisonment for sex trafficking offenses and a fine of the equivalent of approximately $1,250, or both. For sentences that include only a fine, penalties are not sufficiently stringent. In 2011, NAPTIP introduced amendments to the anti-trafficking law, which would give prosecutors more authority and restrict the ability of judges to offer fines in lieu of prison time during sentencing; this amendment was awaiting approval by the National Assembly at the end of the reporting period.”

NAPTIP, it said, initiated 117 trafficking investigations and commenced at least 17 prosecutions, and achieved 25 convictions, but another 143 prosecutions remained pending at the end of 2012. It said there was a significant decrease in the number of investigations from 2011, during which 279 investigations were carried.

“But this is likely due to the fact that law enforcement officials are now better trained to identify trafficking cases and are not mistakenly referring numerous non-trafficking crimes to NAPTIP for investigation. All prosecutions occurred under the 2003 Trafficking Act, and sentences upon conviction ranged from three months’ to 18 years’ imprisonment. Of the 25 convictions, 17 resulted in prison sentences without the option of paying a fine. The NPF reportedly also investigated and prosecuted human trafficking offenses; data regarding these cases was unavailable. The government also collaborated with law enforcement agencies from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, Austria, and Taiwan on investigations involving Nigerian nationals during the reporting period. Three of the pending prosecutions involve government officials alleged to have committed child labor trafficking offences,” it said.

Significantly, the traffickers are still on the prowl. One of the agents of the modern-day slavery lost his freedom to practise his unholy trade on June 10. He was nabbed by officials of the Kano State Hisbah Board. The middle-aged man was a professional in trafficking of children and selling children at between N30,000 and N60,000 each.

The Director-General of the board, Alhaji Abba Sufi, said the suspect was arrested in Gwale Local Government Area after selling a three-year-old girl at N60,000 to his customer at Rijiyar Lemo quarters in Kano metropolis.

‘’On investigation, the suspect was found to be a human trafficker, who has been in the business for a long time and has been selling each child at between N30,000 and N60,000,’’ he said.

Nigeria is one of the main sources of those trafficked into Britain. Last year, of the 1,180 victims of trafficking in the United Kingdom, 205 were Nigerians.

UK’s Solicitor General Oliver Heald QC said: “Victims are primarily women and girls who are exploited in the sex industry and domestic servitude, not always here in the UK but sometimes pass through en-route to the sex trade in Europe.

“These may have paid as much as €70 000 for their passage to Europe, a debt which enforces their enslavement. A significant means of controlling these women and girls is through a form of witchcraft which is common in some communities across West Africa.

“A ceremony serves as a blessing on the trip abroad, and at the same time the victim also promises to repay their debts for the cost of the trip.”

“We can see that there is work to be done to support the proper investigation of these crimes.”

One of those brought to book by the UK last year is 42-year-old Osezua Osolase.

Osolase used ‘juju’ magic to control his victims.

He told the teenage girls he trafficked to the UK they would die or never bear children if they tried to escape or revealed what had happened to them.

Judge Adele Williams told Osolase: “You are arrogant and manipulative, you are devoid of conscience, devoid of any compassion to your victims. You were dealing in exploitation and misery and degradation. You have been convicted on clear and compelling evidence of trafficking two girls in and out of the UK. Once they arrived in the UK the reality was explained to them that they were going to have to work as prostitutes. They were petrified that if they spoke out they would be harmed and killed.”

As a global industry, human trafficking is worth in excess of $32bn (£20bn) a year. There are about 300 illegal routes used by human traffickers to ferry their victims out of the country in Katsina alone, said the Zonal Commander of the National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic in Persons and Other Related Matters (NAPTIP), Hajiya Khadija Bello.

A counsellor, Rev. Sr. Laurencia Daniel, said the quest for riches and the lack of education had contributed greatly to trafficking in women and children.

Daniel told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja that trading in persons was wrong.

He said: “Human trafficking can only stop if people are contented, avoid being over ambitious and also by ensuring that everyone is educated. Sometimes it is quest for riches that lures people into crime and things like trafficking.

“Riches are not only measured in monetary terms, everyone should endeavour to identify one’s potential and harness them.’’

The report has recommendations for the government. It advised: “Ensure that the activities of NAPTIP receive sufficient funding, particularly for prosecuting trafficking offenders and providing adequate care for victims; vigorously pursue trafficking investigations and prosecutions of trafficking offenses, and impose adequate sentences on convicted trafficking offenders, including imprisonment whenever appropriate; take proactive measures to investigate and prosecute government officials suspected of trafficking-related corruption and complicity in trafficking offenses; train police and immigration officials to identify trafficking victims among vulnerable populations, such as women in prostitution and young females traveling with non-family members; fully integrate counter-trafficking responsibilities into the work of the NPF and the Ministry of Labour; develop a formal system to track the number of victims repatriated from abroad, and upon repatriation ensure they are aware of available protective services; and ensure NAPTIP productively interacts with and receives support from other government agencies that have a stake in addressing human trafficking.”

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