Poisons that affect different parts of the body

Poisons can get into our bodies through breathing, consumption, injection, bites, and contact. There are some well-known poisons that can get into our bodies through environmental exposure. For example smog can precipitate asthma, asbestos causes mesothelioma (a lung cancer), and lead causes learning disabilities. We should be particularly aware of how toxins affect our vital organs and recognize the symptoms of toxicity to these organs.

Breathing may be considered the most vital function for our bodies because if we do not breathe well we cannot think well nor do anything else well. We breathe through an amazing channel starting from the nose, passing through the pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and ending in the lungs. This process brings oxygen to our bodies as we breathe in and expels the waste gas carbon dioxide as we breathe out. Substances such as asbestos, radon, cadmium, benzene, carbon monoxide, moulds, and soot can enter our breathing passage and cause asbestosis, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, fibrosis, or emphysema, and therefore decrease oxygen supply to the body. Asbestos is found in old fashioned ceiling materials. Radon naturally occurs in the ground. Cadmium is a component of old batteries. Benzene is found in some household cleaning products. Carbon monoxide and soot are released from electricity generators using petrol. When you cook outdoors with wood, you could breathe in soot. Avoid standing at the windward side and position yourself at the opposite (leeward) side. Badly maintained kerosene cookers also release soot. All these substances are potential health hazards. One day, I saw a young lady who is a professional cleaner and she was sweeping the street. Perhaps she does this for several hours a day. What struck me was that she carried a baby on her back and that was a lot of exposure to dust for the baby. For the good health of members of the family, we should examine routinely how we cleanse the air in our homes. A clean cooking environment, good home ventilation, and proper storage of hazardous materials are important preventive measures for good lung health.

The kidneys are vital organs that we cannot live without. They filter the blood and excrete waste and toxins from the blood and these collect as dissolved substances in urine. The urine passes from the kidneys via tubes called ureters and is stored in a sac called the bladder. When the bladder is distended the urine is passed out through a tube called the urethra in the process of urination. In this way the kidneys keep the amounts of salts and fluids in our bodies regulated so that toxic substances do not build up or remain in our bodies. The kidneys and urinary system may become dysfunctional or may develop structural damage or cancer. Substances that can cause such problems include metals such as lead, cadmium, uranium, and mercury. Some industrial products that contain chlorinated hydrocarbons can cause kidney damage. These include paint removers, dry cleaning solutions and degreasers. Some pain relievers that contain aspirin or ibuprofen can cause allergic inflammation in certain persons which can affect their kidneys. Therefore you should not share your prescription pain killers with other persons. When the kidneys fail, there is build-up of waste products in the body. The victim may therefore feel weak and manifest shortness of breath, lethargy, confusion, seizures, and swelling in the leg, foot, or ankle. Some of these symptoms develop slowly. Excess potassium that is not removed from the blood by the kidneys can cause irregular heart rhythms and sudden death.

The liver works to break down food and store nutrients, to produce clotting factors so that we do not bleed to death when we get a cut, and to degrade drugs and chemicals. If the liver is dysfunctional or damaged, the victim can develop cancers from toxic substances that the liver fails to remove and fat storage problems. A tip to preserve one’s liver is to avoid or limit the consumption of synthetic foods and chemicals, including recreational drugs and unnecessary medication. Chemicals, drugs, food additives, etc., pass through the liver where they are converted into substances that can be excreted. However, their presence in the liver may directly do some damage and this possibly happens regularly. However, even if 80% of the liver is damaged, it can still serve its protective function for the body but the remaining 20% may get damaged faster by overload of chemicals to process. There are many ways we can limit consumption of chemicals. For example, always wash your fruits and vegetables very well to remove pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and antibiotics used in agriculture.

Alcohol, carbon tetrachloride from adhesives, methylene chloride from car part cleaners and paint removers and vinyl chloride from pipe sealer are examples of substances that are toxic to the liver, therefore working with these in well ventilated and spacious environments and using a face mask limits the user’s exposure. Some medications have a potential to damage the liver. For example, excess acetaminophen (pain killer) causes liver damage. All drugs in general, since most of them are either detoxified or made toxic by passing through the liver, should strictly be used according to the manufacturer’s and health care giver’s instructions. We should always avoid fake drugs and “remedies” marketed by quacks, no matter how exciting, cheap, and easy to get they are. Such drugs and herbal concoctions do not have the backing of scientific scrutiny and do not carry warnings of verified toxicity. If you must buy herbal products, fresh herbs are safer than concoctions.

Dr. ’Bola John is a biomedical scientist based in Nigeria and in the USA. For any comments or questions on this column, please Email bolajohnwritings@yahoo.com or call 07028338910

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