Poisons that affect different parts of the body

The nervous system is made up of the brain and nerves and it transmits messages throughout the body. Malfunctioning of the nervous system produces loss of muscle strength and coordination, immobility, loss of feeling, sight or memory, speech defect, and confusion. Arsenic, cadmium, carbon monoxide, and cyanide are some of the toxic substances that can cause such problems. Many gases can displace oxygen in the brain and are lethal because a lack of oxygen to the brain for more than 5 minutes can irreversibly damage the brain. Nitrogen and helium are undetectable gases. Biological warfare employs nerve poisons. Some of them include organophosphate nerve agents (similar to insecticides but toxic to humans). They are classified as weapons of mass destruction by the United Nations. They are absorbed by inhalation and through the skin. An exposed person will manifest running nose, tightness in the chest, constricted pupils, profuse salivation, convulsions, involuntary urination and defecation, and eventual death because of loss of control over the respiratory muscles. If a person survives, he or she may retain some nerve damage or some psychiatric problem.

Some chemicals are toxic to sensory organs. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that has been widely used to manufacture sugar-free diet drinks and foods. It produces a reversible toxicity manifested as hearing loss, vision loss, memory loss, joint pain, and seizures, and has been associated with brain cancer, some brain dementias and other conditions. By 2001, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had recognized that there was an epidemic of two diseases: multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus. Investigators determined that many such cases were reversed when the victims stopped consuming diet drinks. You should always read labels on manufactured products and seek information about things you are bound to consume regularly to make sure they are safe.

The drug ViagraTM and similar drugs that some men take for erectile dysfunction have been associated with hearing impairment. Unfortunately, because of excitement with its usefulness in improving sexual function, it has been made available without prescription through online (over the Internet) pharmacy. Online pharmacy may have advantages in making various drugs more available but traditional clinical consultation and doctor’s prescriptions are important for safety. A patient being able to report back to a doctor is an important aspect of pharmacovigilance. Through pharmacovigilance, we gather information about drugs that are being used and if they cause adversities, we are able to better control the adversities by appropriate regulation of the drug use.

The immune system defends the body from disease causing substances, malfunctioning cells, and microorganisms. It is made up of the lymph, the spleen, the bone marrow, and white blood cells. Ricin, mercury, lead, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are amongst the substances that are toxic to the immune system leading to allergic reactions, autoimmune disease (self-destruction), and ease of infection.

The skin is a protective organ. It prevents harmful substances and microorganism from entering our bodies. It also controls loss of water and temperature from our bodies. Toxic substances can cause skin irritation, rashes, redness, discoloration, and various skin diseases (dermatitis). Nickel, arsenic, mercury, chromium, PCBs and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are amongst substances that are toxic to the skin.

Many health problems are avoidable if we are vigilant. For example, where we lack constant electricity, we use many lighting products that function with lead-acid batteries, the oldest type of rechargeable batteries. Always look at the labels on everything you buy and dispose of products safely when they are no longer needed. If they no longer work, do not leave them around as toys for children to play with.

Here are some tips to prevent accidental poisoning. Make sure you wash fruits and vegetables well to get rid of pesticides. Don’t eat fish from contaminated waters such as areas where there is dumping of industrial waste. Upgrade plumbing systems to replace lead containing pipes. Keep any thermometer or thermostat you have in a safe place as it contains mercury which can spill if it breaks. Avoid cigarette smoke. Ask those who smoke to step out of the house to smoke. Volatile organic compounds are found in fumes from gasoline, paint, adhesives, and building supplies therefore when you want to work with such materials, make sure you have cross ventilation and adequate space for air to dilute the fumes. Use a fan to direct the fumes away from you. Cement contains nickel therefore wear gloves to do cement work or wash your hands repeatedly during the work so that you limit the absorption of nickel through your skin. Chromium can be absorbed into the body from paint if one does not wear gloves to work with paint. Limit drug use and as much as possible ask your doctor or health care giver about medicines or search the web of information freely available on the Internet. Manage well the storage and use of house-hold products. With such precautions we can avoid getting poisoned by substances in our environment.

•Dr. ’Bola John is a biomedical scientist based in Nigeria and in the USA. For any comments or questions on this column, please Email bolajohnwritings@yahoo.com or call 07028338910

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