Yakowa links capital flight to insecurity

PERTURBED by the rising insecurity in the North, the Kaduna State Governor Patrick Ibrahim Yakowa has lamented the capital flight from the region following the refusal by foreign investors to take advantages of the available economic opportunities.

Yakowa said that despite the existing abundant human and natural resources available in the North and Nigeria in general, foreign investors who were to harness the opportunities created by the availability of the resources continue to flee as a result of reports of the current insecurity pervading the nation.

Yakowa, who spoke on efforts by his government to address security challenges and promote development in the state at a special breakfast of the Ramadan organised by the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), Kaduna State Council, urged Muslims to pray intensively for peace all over the country.

The governor added “the investors who want to come and invest in Kaduna run away whenever they hear of your reports about the situation. The media should help government to solve security problem, we set peace and reconciliation committee as part of government efforts to bring lasting peace in this state.”

He reiterated his determination to redirect the state towards lasting peace and unity, particularly among the populace for positive development.

He added that the Northern Governors’ Forum would set up peace and reconciliation committee to end the unrest in the region.

He stressed “from the point of view of human capacity, we have them in abundance. We have the natural resources. Yes, we are well known for oil and gas. But, I have always said that Nigeria is not all about oil and gas. There is much more about Nigeria than the oil and gas. Go to every part of the country, agriculture commands special attention. We must refocus the sector.”

He added: “So, we have every reason to be proud of our country. First of all, let us make our country safe for foreign investors. The moment they hear one or two things they go back. The press has a very important role to play in bringing about security for our country. I am using this forum to seek your support, that whenever anything happens lets assist government and the security agencies.”

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