When age catches up with a school

 Eko Boys High School (EBHS) ranked among the best secondary schools in the country in the past. It was founded by the late Rev Williams Euba in 1913. In no time, EBHS’ fame grew far and wide. Today, the story is different; the school is a shadow of itself. But the old boys are determined to see their alma mater back on its feet, reports ADEGUNLE OLUGBAMILA.

At 100, Eko Boys High School (EBHS) like other schools its age, has seen better days. The school compound in Mushin where it achieved fame is in a shambles. Its structures are depilated. The classrooms have no windows and the laboratories are empty. The once popular school has become a shadow of itself. Expectedly, its old boys who comprise some eminent persons in the society are not happy with the state of things. As the school celebrates its 100th anniversary this week, they have mapped out plans to restore its glory.

Among schools in its age bracket in Lagos State, EBHS seems to have suffered the worst fate. CMS Grammar School, Bariga, Lagos (1859), Methodist Boys High School, Lagos (1878), Methodist Girls High School (1879) and Baptist Academy, Obanikoro, Lagos (1885) are its contemporaries. These schools have thrived after the Lagos State government returned them to their owners, the Anglican and Methodist Churches in 2001. King’s College, Lagos, which clocks 104 this year, is also enjoying immense support from its proprietor, the Federal Government, parents and its old boys. EBHS, which was established by the late Rev. Williams Benjamin Euba, a Methodist missionary is still under government control.

Reliving the story of the school’s birth on Sunday ahead of its centenary celebration, national president of the Eko Boys Old Boys Association (EKOBA), Chief Idowu Sofola (SAN), said the late Euba resented the practice of his days when children of those with affiliations with missions were given preference over others in admissions into mission schools.

“But Rev. Euba felt this was wrong. He was against the idea that a child could be denied admission on the basis of his or her religious or ethnic affiliations. Unfortunately at that time, there were only mission schools in existence which put many otherwise brilliant children at disadvantage. This was what prompted the Rev. Euba to set up the Eko Boys High School as a private, non-governmental school to offer admission to children strictly on merit and without any cultural, ethnic or religious leanings.

“The mission of the founder was to have a school built by Nigerians not foreigners. Missionaries were foreigners, whether Ahmadiyya, Baptist, Methodist or Anglican. This man single-handedly established a non-governmental and non-denominational school on his own with few people’s assistance. Throughout 1913, 1914 and 1915, there were only six schools in the whole of Nigeria when this school was founded. The only government college was King’s College, the rest were missionary,” he said.

It is for this reason, among others that EKOBA members are determined to reverse the dwindling fortunes of their alma mater.

They are seeking a restoration of the facilities to the standard they were decades ago. They want the school to once again attract pupils from all backgrounds, as intended by the proprietor.

Towards this end, the school was relocated to Ibeju-Lekki. However, the old boys are complaining that there are no facilities on the new site since the relocaion 10 years ago.

The school, which is still at Mushin, lacks many facilities. Its Principal, Mrs Mgbokwere Chiemeka Dora, said except the newly-built structure by the government comprising blocks of classroom and the principal’s office, there is no single laboratory there.

“When I assumed duty in March 2010 the infrastructure had terribly declined. Many structures had no door or windows. No standard library or staff room. But through the Lagos EKO Project, I started fixing the major ones like window, doors and bad toilets. But the money was not enough, so I cried to the old boys who came to our rescue. Some provided us with water with pumping machine, and the old boys rebuilt the school’s collapsed fence,” said Mrs Chiemeka, the 19th and first woman principal of the school.

Wherever the school will eventually be located is not what the old boys are concerned about as much as restoring its glory. Sofola, said the school has come a long way moving from its initial abode at Broad Street, to Oil Mill and then Ajele Street all in Lagos Island, before its present abode in Mushin. He added that its relocation back to the Island might have a positive effect.

Sofola said: “We have approached the government that if you relocate us to Lagos, maybe the Eko Boys High School can still ring a bell in your heads, and therefore put money there. Ten years ago during the school’s 90th anniversary, former Governor Bola Tinubu went there (Ibeju-Lekki) to turn the sod, but no single structure is standing there today. We will pool resources together approach the Lagos State Government and to release this campus for us, and we shall develop it with the mission and vision of the founder of the school.”

Group Managing Director of First Bank Plc Mr Bisi Onasanya, who left EBHS in 1978, said the old boys are determined to hit the ground running once they get the government’s nod on the location.

“I want to be sure we are proud enough to bring our children forward and say they also attended Eko Boys High School in this new generation. Clearly what you are seeing today is not Eko Boys High School, and I think we are all committed now to make sure that whenever the final decision is taken (by government) it’s a collective decision whether it should be here (Mushin) or it should be in (Ibeju) Lekki all hands should be on deck to ensure that our goals are achieved,” he said.

A week-long activities including a visit to the family of the late founder; Jumat service; novelty football match; thanksgiving service and fund-raising/award dinner have been planned to celebrate the school’s centenary.

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