Anyaoku on marble

Chief Emeka Anyaoku was a former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth.

He was elected the third Secretary –General of the Commonwealth at the body’s Heads of Government Meeting held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 1989.

He was re-elected for a second five-year term in Limassol, Cyprus, in 1993.

Chief Anyaoku was born on January 18, 1933 in Obosi, in the old Anambra State.

He obtained an honours degree in Classics at the University College, Ibadan, formerly a college of the University of London.

He turns 80 on Friday.


On Ken Saro-Wiwa’s execution

“On the eve of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Summit, when information reached me that Ken Saro-Wiwa and his colleagues had been sentenced to death, I telephoned Abacha myself, to plead with him not to do anything. I got Nelson Mandela to also telephone Abacha and pleaded with him not to do anything. But, unfortunately, Abacha proceeded to execute Saro-Wiwa and co; and that precipitated a rupture of relations between Nigeria and the Commonwealth and most of the Commonwealth leaders.”


On the late Chief M.K.O Abiola

“I must make this very clear; he (Abubakar) did not need any persuasion because he himself had reached the decision that Abiola should be released.”


Sovereign National Conference

“The present structure of 36 states is too expensive to run, as it also impedes development,”

“There is no doubt that Nigeria was making more progress in national development in the early years of its independence when it practised a true federalism of four regions with more extensive powers devolved from the centre to the regions. Those were the days of the significant export of groundnuts, hides and skins and the tin ore from the North, Cocoa from the west, rubber from the mid-west. There were also the days of such achievements of free universal primary education and introduction of television in Chief Awolowo’s western region.”

“We need to convene a national conference of appropriately chosen representatives of the six geopolitical zones to dialogue on how to face these serious challenges. I believe that if we are to recapture the zeal with the then regional premiers and their electorates, we should aim at getting national conference.”


On democracy

“Nigeria’s standing in the world has improved tremendously since the return of democracy to this country in 1999. Before then, Nigeria standing in the world was very poor. Since 1999 we have progressive increase in Nigeria standing in the world and at this moment I believe that Nigeria is doing very well externally.”


On Bola Ahmed Tinubu

“Asiwaju Tinubu is an effective advocate of federalism and a dedicated activist for the return of democracy and the restitution of Chief MKO Abiola’s presidential election victory in Nigeria. As governor of Lagos State, he undertook some key development projects which, under our existing Constitution, were federal responsibility

“It was clear to me then that Asiwaju was one of the few people who can speak truth to power. There is, therefore, little wonder that he has become a towering leader of opposition to the federal governing party.”


Need for Nigerians chart new course for the nation

“I want to urge our politicians, and here I must also add our media too, to spare the nation the distraction of engaging now in public debate on the 2015 elections. We must not allow preoccupation with the 2015 elections to confirm the view that our politicians are only interested in self-aggrandisement, with the result that our national politics is bereft of active ideas on how to uplift the country and improve the quality of life of our citizens. The main focus of our public debates at this time should be how to tackle the massively destructive challenges currently facing the nation.”



“The insecurity in the land is a drag on our foreign policy no doubt, because our standing abroad depends on our domestic conditions. So to the extent that we have insecurity at home it is a draw back to our foreign policy. But I believe that government is determined to address insecurity and my hope their efforts will succeed.”


Reduction of recurrent expenditure

“It is my view that the country’s chances of re-living its development opportunities will be greatly enhanced if it does a major restructuring of its political architecture. Without doing so, one can’t reduce the recurrent expenditure.

“When you look around, especially among developing countries, you will discover that their recurrent expenditure is far less than their capital. In Nigeria, what we have been spending on recurrent leaves us with too little for capital development which we need.”

“The existing structure of 36 states and federal capital territory with all the paraphernalia and institutions of administration, as long as we continue with that, we are not likely to achieve the level of reduction of cost of administration that will enable us to develop as we ought to.”

“I do not believe that the present structure we have will not address the destructive competition for the control of power at the centre, while we sustain the largely non-viable states. We have become accustomed to the notion and practice of sharing the national cake from the centre.”


On true federalism

“It is this destructive control of power at the centre that exacerbates the primordial instinct in our people and also fans religious and ethnic differences with the result that rather than being a source of strength, our pluralism has become a harbinger for discrimination and disunity.”

“There can’t be no doubt in my view that Nigeria was making a steadier progress in development, when it was a federation of three regions and subsequently four federating units, called regions at the time”.

“This progress was reversed by the military intervention in our politics beginning from January 1966 because it was the military intervention that has done the erosion on true federalism to what we now described as unitary federalism.

“I believe that we must return to true federalism if we are to achieve stability and the level of development that we aspire to. We can achieve all these with the current effort to review the 1999 Constitution.”


On environmental degradation

“I was approached to be president – I accepted readily, because I have been concerned about environmental issues for a long time. The ecology in my home region in Nigeria has changed very much. It has been degraded, so I have always been keen to do something. The oil companies have been flaring gas. They have been polluting the areas where they operate. But they are now co-operating with the government to try and do something about it”.

“Increasingly, I think that there is common understanding of what sustainable development means. But each experience is different, because Europe has almost completely destroyed its biodiversity. We still have ours in Africa, however, so our interests lie in conserving that. Of course, the main challenge we face in Africa is development – the priority for African governments is the quality of life of their peoples. And that is also their top priority when it comes to ecological considerations.”

“I am strongly recommending that those countries in Europe and the United States that have not always maintained an ecologist process of development should help us to develop without destroying our ecology; they certainly have the technology to do so. The progress they make should allow them to transfer the technology to us.”


On amendment of 1999 Constitution


“Without far-reaching changes to the 1999 constitution and present governance structure, our quest for peace, stability and development will remain elusive. And to effect such changes, we need a national consensus which can only come from a dialogue among representatives mandated for that purpose by the citizens of this country’.

“I must hasten to say that my support is for a national conference without the epitaph sovereign. This is because we already have in place an elected structure of governance that includes the presidency in which the citizens have to for the time being vest the sovereignty that truly belongs to them.

“I am a bit worried about our country. People are not focusing on the performance of the government they elected in 1999. That should be the focus of the people and media attention, so that they can be judged on the basis of their performance.”


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